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    配方类型: COATINGS
    配方说明: Finger Paint
    配方组成: Sodium tetraborate (anhydrous)/156
    "Carbopol" 934/200
    Paint Formulatio
    Masterbatch (Above)/5.3
    配制方法: Ball mill the masterbatch until desired pigment fineness is achieved. Carefully disperse the ball-milled masterbatch in the water, in the proportions noted. A test formulation has a final viscosity of 28,600 cps (Brookfield, 20 rpm) and a pH of 2.6. the paint has excellent stability and is easily worked with the fingers. An unusual aspect of the Carbopol formulation is that dried "creations" can be rewet and then be reworked or corrected.
    It is important that anhydrous sodium tetraborate (borax) be used in the formulation above if the masterbatch is to be stored more than a few days. If hydrated borax is used, the associated water causes the masterbatch to ball up in a tough, rubbery mass.

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