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    配方类型: DETERGENTS
    配方说明: Liquid Hand Soap
    配方组成: Coconut Oil---Manila Grade/19.71
    Potassium Hydroxide---45%/16.81
    "Acintol" FA3 Tall Oil Fatty Acid/13.21
    "Cyquest" 40/0.20
    配制方法: heat the water, caustic and sequestering agent to 180-190'F. Mix the ACINTOL Tall Oil Fatty Acid and cocoanut oil and slowly add to the caustic-water mixture with slow to moderate agitation maintaining temperature (laboratory procedure 1/2-3/4 hr). continue to heat, with agitation for complete saponification, with frequent adjustment for water loss by evaporation. "Die down" of suds is an indication of complete saponification.

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