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    配方类型: DETERGENTS
    配方说明: Degreasing Compounds
    配制方法: Dilute the above concentrates with 9 parts of solvent. the diluted cleaner is applied to the surface to be cleaned, allowed to soak briefly and then rinsed off with water. Alternately, the diluted cleaner can be mixed with water to form an emulsion which is then applied to the surface to be cleaned, followed by rinsing.
    Because of variations in petroleum solvents, solubilities of the surfactant may vary. If haziness occurs in any of the above concentrates, it can usually be eliminated by the addition of a small amount of water. Water exerts a coupling action between the emulsifier and solvent, "clearing" the concentrate. If desired, a more permanent coupling agent such as butyl Cellosolve, methyl Cellosolve, oleic acid or cyclohexanol can be employed.

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