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    配方说明: Alpha Alumina Dispersion
    配方组成: "Baymal"/5.5
    Barium Acetate Solution (0.5 Molar)/-
    Alpha Alumina (Tabular Type Through 325 Mesh)/55.5
    Alpha Alumina (Tabular Type Through 325 Mesh)/82.0
    Barium Acetate Solution (0.5 Molar)/0.7
    配制方法: In each case the concentration of "Baymal" in the water is sufficient to develop thixotropy and prevent the alpha alumina from settling.
    To 194 ml. of water in a one-quart blender is added 27.5 g of "Baymal", and the mixture is stirred at high speed for one minute. then three drops of a silicone antifoam agent are added and stirring continued until a uniform, very thixotropic semi-fluid mass is obtained. Then 278 g of tabular alumina (Alcoa T-61, through 325 mesh) is added, and stirring continued until homogeneous.

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