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    配方说明: Soldering fluxes
    配制方法: Zinc Chloride Flux Concentrations of 0.02-0.25% of "AEROSOL" MA or AY are used, depending on the concentration of zinc chloride.
    Rosin Flux "AEROSOL" OT, MA, or AY are particularly effective wetting agents in rosin-based fluxes. A concentration of 1-5% on weight of rosin is recommended.
    Hydrochloric Acid flux "AEROSOL" OS is an effective wetting agent in acid fluxes, and, in addition, prevents the acid from etching the metal without reducing the acid action on the oxide film. One percent, based on the weight of hydrochloric acid solution, is used.
    The procedure for dissolving the surface active agent in the flux is as follows: Make a 1-10% solution of the agent in water. Make up the flux solution with the maximum amount of water, allowing room. for additional water added with the wetting agent.

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