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    配方说明: Water-Repellency (Powders or Crystals)
    配制方法: L-31 Silicone Fluid, applied to many fillers, renders the filler extremely water repellent. A variety of materials such as sodium and potassium bicarbonates and zinc oxide have been treated. Water repellency is observed at a loading of about 1% L-31 silicone fluid (based on filler). the silicone fluid can be added directly to the dry filler and tumbled for a sufficient time to ensure thorough dispersion.
    In many cases it is not necessary to catalyze nor to heat set the silicone.
    Alternatively, for application of a low concentration of L-31 silicone fluid (0.05-0.1%) to a filler, it may be better applied as a dilute emulsion, in which case post application of heat is necessary to remove water and to spur rapid development of water repellency.
    Surface Treatment L-31 silicone fluid applied to non-absorbing surfaces renders them adhesive and non-wetting. metals, plastics, glass, etc. may be so treated. A typical application is the treatment of the inside of glass pipettes to produce a non-wetting s

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