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    配方类型: POLISH
    配方说明: Acid-Removable Wax Floor Polish
    配方组成: "Carbitol/4.0
    FC-134 or 128 (1% Solution)/.5
    "Igepal" CO-610/-
    "NeoCryl" A-400 or A-410 (15%)/55.0
    Wax Emulsion (15%)/35.0
    Tributoxyethyl Phosphate/1.0
    Alkali-Soluble Resin Emulsion (15%)/10.0
    Tributoxyethyl Phosphate/1.0
    FC-134 or 128 (1% Solution)/.5
    "Igepal" CO-610/-
    FC-134 or 128 (1% Solution)/.5
    Polyethylene/11.8 Parts
    "Renex" 690/3.0
    "Duomeen" T/-
    Oleic Acid/-
    KOH (60%)/0.3
    "Igepal" CO-610/.5
    Acetic Acid (Glacial)/-
    Polyethylene/12.9 Parts
    Wax Emulsion (15%)/15.0
    "Renex" 690/-
    "Duomeen" T/-
    Oleic Acid/2.1
    KOH (60%)/-
    Acetic Acid (Glacial)/-
    Polyethylene/11.5 Parts
    "Renex" 690/-
    "Duomeen" T/2.5
    Oleic Acid/-
    KOH (60%)/-
    Acetic Acid (Glacial)/0.5
    "NeoCryl" A-400 or A-41
    配制方法: The wax and emulsifiers (or oleic acid) are melted together at 240'F. The aqueous KOH, morpholine, or acetic acid is then added slowly.
    The hot melt at 240'F-250'F is then added slowly to water heated to 200'F-210'F with suitable agitation, so that the wax is immediately dispersed.
    The alkali-soluble resin solution can be prepared by conventional methods. "Shanco" 334, "Durez" 19788, "Schenectady" SR-88 and shellac are recommended.
    In making the final blend, the wax emulsion followed by the alkali-soluble resin solution can be added either to the "NeoCryl" at 15% solids or to 40% "NeoCryl" with water of dilution being added afterwards. The tributoxyethyl phosphate and fluorocarbon should be incorporated as the next step and finally the pH should be adjusted to 9.5, usually with ammonia.
    Formulas No.1 through 4 are very hard and durable and can be considered non-buffable. No.5 is slightly buffable and No.6 and No.7 are moderately buffable: the Nos. 5, 6, and 7 are extremely tough and resist

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