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    配方类型: POLISH
    配方说明: Acidic Removers for "Neocryl" A-400 and A-410 Floor Polishes
    配方组成: "Igepals" CO710, DM530, or "Carbowax" 400/1 pt
    Lactic, Glacial Acetic or Phosphoric Acid (85%)/5 pt
    "Duomeen" 0/1 pt
    For "NeoCryl" A-41
    Lactic, Glacial Acetic or Phosphoric (85%) Acid/1 pt
    Glacial Acetic Acid/5 pt
    "Igepal" CO-730/2 pt
    Glycol Ether (e.g. Hexyl "Carbitol")/4 pt
    "Hyamine" 1622/1 pt
    Citric or Tartaric Acid/5 pt
    配制方法: These concentrates can be used in an amount of 1.5 to 3 oz/gal of warm water. The solutions ar applied as conventional floor polish removers or strippers. The floor should be thoroughly rinsed with clear water, or water containing a trace of ammonia, before applying a fresh coat of polish as conventional floor polishes as well as those based upon the new "NeoCryls" are alkaline, residual acidity oon the floor could interfere with the application of polish. Contact of the concentrated acid stripper with the skin or the substrate should be avoided. Any spillage should be promptly wiped up and the area flushed with water. Prolonged or excessive contact of the diluted stripper with the substrate should also be avoided to preclude any leaching of the carbonate fillers present in some tiles, although this has not been a problem in practical application.

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