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    配方类型: POLISH
    配方说明: Wax Resin Polish Remover
    配方组成: Phosphoric Acid (85%)/1
    "Igepal" CO-730/1
    Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether/2
    配制方法: This formulation for stripper (remover) given above, when diluted (1:35 to 1:50) with hot water (100'F-110'F), will readily remove the polish. Use in a manner similar to the ordinary alkaline-based wax strippers. For example, apply the hot solution of diluted stripper to the floor. With mops or stripping machines, work t he stripping solution into the polish film. The film readily disintegrates. Mop up the residue without allowing the floor to dry. Rinse the floor thoroughly with warm water and mop dry.
    One gallon of dilute stripper will remove about 500 square feet of old polish.

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