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    配方说明: Laundry Waterproofing (One-Bath)
    配方组成: Mineral Spirits/12.50
    "Niaproof" Basic Aluminum Acetate/6.25
    "Bakelite Polyethylene" DYDT/6.00
    Aluminum Distearate/0.25
    "Tergitol" Anionic 08/5.20
    Refined Paraffin Wax (M.P., 52'C)/12.50
    "Cellosize" Hydroxyethyl Cellulose WP-40/2.00
    配制方法: 1) Melt the paraffin wax, polyethylene, mineral spirits, and aluminum distearate at 95'-100'C. The polyethylene should be molten and thoroughly dispersed. Do not use an open flame.
    2) Place the water in a jacketed kettle equipped with an agitator. Using high-speed agitation, add "Tergitol" 08, "Cellosize" WP-40, and the "Niaproof" aluminum acetate. Mix at room temperature until a smooth, homogeneous solution is formed. The jacket of the kettle should be equipped for circulation of both steam and cold water.
    3) Raise the temperature of the aqueous mixture to 65'C by circulating steam through the jacket. using vigorous agitation, add the molten mixture of paraffin, polyethylene, aluminum distearate, and mineral spirits. Continue agitating for about 10 minutes.
    4) During the agitating, add an amount of water equal to 10% of the batch, to compensate for volume loss during processing.
    5) Reduce rate of stirring and cool by circulating cold water through the jacket. continue stirring slowly unti

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