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    suspension for metal slip-casting

    配方组成: steelpowder (ASTM-A-106, stee , 100 mesh)/85.00
    "carbopol" 941/0.50
    配制方法: completely disperse the "carbopol" 941 resin in the methanol and neutralize the dispersion with the amine. stir in the powderedsteel.
    (the "carbopol" 941 resin/di-n-butylaminme salt is very effective as binder) note: the suspension above was poured into plaster casts, vibrated unhder vacuum to eliminate voids and dried at 82 C (180 F) in a circulating air oven. after drying, the molded parts exhibited unusually good green strength and excellent surface finish. although no mold relsase agent was used, the castings did not stick to the plaster mold. after sintering in a hydrogen atmosphere, the resulting casting had maintained its excellent surface and displayed very high opecific gravity.

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