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    配方类型: ADHESIVES
    配方说明: Nylon to Nylon (Self-Curing, 2-3 Days)
    配方组成: Magnesium Oxide/4
    DuPont "Neozone" A/2
    Litharge, Sulfur and Zinc Oxide/5 minutes
    "Neoprene" CG/50
    DuPont "Accelerator" 833*/4
    R-12 "Neville" Resin/20
    Stearic Acid/1
    *To be withheld until cement is ready to be used; "Accelerator" 808 can
    be substituted for 833.
    Zinc Oxide/5
    "Neoprene" AC/50
    Mill Roll Temperature/90-100'F
    "Neoprene" mastication time/6 minutes
    Sulfur ("Blackbird")/4
    "Neozone" A/3 minutes
    Magnesium Oxide and Stearic Acid/5 minutes
    配制方法: Mixing: All components with the exception of the R-12 "Neville Resin" are added to the toluene under agitation. The R-12 "Neville" Resin is then added after the rubber compound is in solution.

    其他库:化学品法规 国家标准 化学品安全数据库(msds) 外贸常识 合同范本 报关指南 商检指南 国际区号 国家代码