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    配方类型: ADHESIVES
    配方说明: "Hycar" Rubber Cement
    配方组成: Di(2-ethylhexyl)amine/6
    Methyl Ethyl Ketone/250
    "Carbopol" 934/6
    "Hycar" 1001X225/15
    配制方法: Dissolve the rubber in the MEK by standard procedures. Add the "Carbopol" 934 with good stirring, followed by addition of the amine. No thickening occurs but the cement may appear somewhat lumpy. Lastly, add the water with vigorous mixing, and the cement will immediately thicken to a smooth, easily spread compound. Viscosity is 3500 cps (Brookfield, 20 rpm) and Brookfield yield value is 1100.
    This cement is characterized by clarity and stable viscosity, with no change in color or adhesion. Even though the rubber solids are only 5%, complete control of the flow properties of the cement are possible by using "Carbopol" 934. Higher solids formulations are also possible using the same procedure.

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