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    aerosol chrome cleaner-polish

    配方类型: POLISHES
    配方组成: maphthol mineral spirits/24.5
    triethanolamine lauryl sulfate/2.30
    "hyonic" FA-40/0.50
    oleic acid/1.85
    carbopol" 934 (2% disp. in water)/4.65
    propellant/as requred
    pine oil/0.46
    "union carbide" L-45 (350 cSt)/1.85
    "snow floss"/9.25
    配制方法: dissolbe silicone oil, oleic acid, and pine oil in the naphthol mineral spirits. dissolve the morpholine inthe water. with rapid agitation add the pumice and "snow floss" to the water-morpholine solution. slowly add the mineral spirits sloution to the morpholine-water solution and continue rapid agitation. add the triethanolamine lauryl sulfate and "hyonic" FA-40 and blend thoroughly. add the dispersion of 2% "carbopol" 934 resin and mix to uniformity.
    note: this cleaner-polish should be allowed to dry completely and then wiped off with a clean dry cloth.
    packaging: use seamless lacquered tinplate cans (american can Co.), with a standard flow foam valve (clayton corp).

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