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    配方说明: Coatings for Cans (Fruit Cans)
    配方组成: Bodied Linseed Oil, Z-3 Viscosity/81.00
    Modified Phenolic Resin/25.00
    Mineral Spirits/365.00
    6% Cobalt Naphthenate/0..84
    China Wood Oil/118.00
    "Neville" LX-685, 135/75.00
    6% Manganese naphthenate/0.42
    配制方法: Place both resins, china wood oil, and five gallons of bodied linseed oil inn the kettle and run to 545-550'F. Hold at this point for approximately 30-45 minutes (depending onn size of batch and desired final viscosity). Then check with remaining five gallons of bodied linseed oil and thin. Finally add driers.
    NOTE: This vehicle contains 45% solids and has about a "C" Gardner-Holdt viscosity which is suggested for roller-coat application. Driers are approximate and may have to be increased. It might also be found necessary to use a small amount of iron naphthenate for right dryness and hardness of film.

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