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    配方说明: Plastisol Wrinkle Finish
    配方组成: White Paste (1/1: R110/DOP)/-
    Stabilizer A-5/1.0
    Blue Paste (1/1: Phthalocyanine Blue/DOP)/-
    Monomer MG-1/70.0
    Black Paste (1/3 Lampblack Pigment/DOP)/4.0
    Stabilizer D-22/1.0
    cobalt Octoate/1.2
    "Flexol" Plasticizer DOP/10.0
    "Bakelite" Vinyl Resin QYNV/100.0
    CW-2015 Catalyst/3.0
    配制方法: Mixing Procedure Using "Hobart" or similar mixer, premix dry ingredients; then premix MG-1 and plasticizer. Combine liquids with dry ingredients to make a 10:4 plastisol; mix until a paste is formed. Add cobalt drier and pigment paste. Add remainder of liquids 5 parts at a time mixing 2 minutes after each addition. Add pigment paste and mix until completely dispersed.

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