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    配方说明: Starch Jelly Candy
    配方组成: Starch/6.56
    Corn Syurp (42 D.E.)/28.89
    Gellan Gum (low acetyl)/0.20
    Magnesium Chloride
    Tap Water/46.37
    配制方法: Dry-blend the gellan gum with approximately 10% of the sucrose. With mechanical agitation, disperse the gellan gum in the tap water. Using a steam kettle, heat the gellan gum dispersion to 160 F. Add the corn syrup and mix for 1 min. Dry-blend the starch with the remaining ingredients and add to the hot syrup. Continue stirring and heating until the mixture reaches 79% soluble solids (approximately 227 F). Add color and flavor to suit. Deposit the candy into starch molds and remove for sanding in approximately 10-12 h.

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