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    配方说明: Natural Chunky Fruit Bread (with No Sugar Added and Long Shelf Life)
    (100 lb Flour)
    配方组成: Natural Fruit Mix or "Nutrafruit"/10 lb
    Nonfat Dry Milk/5 lb
    Batch Weight:/195 lb
    Water/58 lb
    Yield (loaves)/(195-16 oz)
    Salt/1 lb
    Butter or Margarine/10 lb
    Yeast/7 lb
    Flour Bread/100 lb
    Lemon Juice/1 lb
    配制方法: Dissolve yeast in water. Put all ingredients in bowl. Mix 1 min. on low. Then mix on high until dough cleans bowl. Then mix for 2 min. Final dough temp. 80 F.
    Floor time 2h---Natural Fruit Mix (use one ounce per loaf)---flatten a 16 oz dough piece, spread with Fruit Mix, roll into tube, chop with dough knife into approx. 1 in. pieces and pan these as in a Chunky bread method. Sprinkle the top with streusel and Fig Crumbles. Proof for 45 min at 100 dry 95 wet (Cold Wet).

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