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  • 中文名称: 链道酶
    英文名称: Streptodornase
    英文别名: Streptodornase [INN:BAN:DCF]; Desoxyribonucleat oligonucleoticlohydrolase; Enzyme obtained from cultures of various strains of Streptococcus haemolyticus; Estreptodornasa; Estreptodornasa [INN-Spanish]; Streptodornasi; Streptodornasi [DCIT]; Streptodornasum; Streptodornasum [INN-Latin]; Thymonuclease; Enzyme obtained from cultures of various strains of Streptococcus haemolyticus.; Nuclease, streptococcal deoxyribo-
    CAS号: 37340-82-2
    EINECS号: 253-473-2

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