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  • 农药名     cas号   

    批准机构: ISO 765 ISO 1750 (published) ESA WHO INN WSSA BSI BS 1831c USP JMAFF BAN modified ISO 1750 (published) SAA ISO 1750 (provisionally approved) USSR ANSI
    农药: sulfur
    中文名称: α型硫磺
    批准机构: ISO 765
    IUPAC: sulfur
    CAS名: sulfur
    CAS号: 7704-34-9
    分子式: Sx
    结构式: sulfur
    用途: 杀螨剂(未分类的杀螨剂);杀菌剂(无机类杀菌剂)
    备注: This substance is considered by the International Organization for Standardization not to require a common name. In ISO 765-1976, the name given is “sulphur”, but ISO now requires the “f” spelling for sulfur and its compounds.
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